Human Resources Featured The 'What Now?' of Work Amid A.I. and Layoffs In this article, we delve into the now of work, examining the rise of A.I., the global impact of layoffs, and the transformative power of the gig work revolution. We explore the rise of A.I. and the opportunities that these changes present.
Psychology Why We Must Watch What We Sell or Buy The focus of this article is on how we can sell and buy. Get rid of trash, or invest in ourselves. What we need to do differently to maintain our sanity and wellbeing as a priority. And no, it's not about marketing. Just a new perspective. Find out how. Read on.
Psychology Reasons Why We Need To Handwrite on Paper, More Often. Writing encodes and leaves an impression on your brain. What we do about this fact, and harness it to our advantage is all that matters.